Hill Fort Windypit

Moorland Caver (2003)

NGR: SE 505867
Altitude: 320m
Access: No known restrictions
Grade: II
Entertainment Value: I

Entrance is a small hole about 12m down from Boulby scar, in top of slumped bank. Vegetation completely obscures the entrance for most of the year, making it extremely difficult to find.
Entrance pitch of 3m, best laddered from tree, lands in Chamber 1 followed by 4.5m pitch into chamber 2 and 2a. From the opposite end of chamber 1 is a 3m climbable route into chamber 3. All chambers are in a jumble of collapsed blocks and are best laddered as one due to the loose nature of the walls.

8m ladder, 4m belay, 15m lifeline.

Explored by Y.U.R.T. in 1968 and called Hillfort after the assumed Iron Age Hill Fort on the bank top. The ramp and ditch features of the Hill Fort were later found to be slump features associated with slope failure.


Northern Caves Volume 5 (1974)

BCRA Transactions – Vol.3 No.2 – The North Yorkshire Windypits (1976)


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