Manor Vale

Moorland Caver (2003)

NGR: SE 694868
Altitude: 70m
Access: Kirbymoorside Council.

Three small caves on either side of Kirbymoorside Council Yard.

1. Length: 4.5m
Grade I
Large walled up entrance in cliff on West side of valley.
Remove loose top blocks to gain access to a short, roomy passage ending in a bad collapse.

1a. Length: 3.5m
Grade I
To the left of 1, a small hole turns to the right and ends in the middle of a bad collapse with a vocal link to 1.

2. Length: 30m
Grade I
Entertainment Value II
In cliff face on East side of valley, behind the Scout Hut.
Entrance is half filled with rubbish (care). Sliding down over rubbish pile gains lovely roomy passage lowering to crawl into high aven. Low bedding beyond was restricted by calcite overlying an earth floor. A small channel has been chipped through the calcite to reveal a short continuation.

Buckland – Reliquiae Diluvianae (1823)
Buckland - Manor Vale
Buckland - Manor Vale2
Buckland - Manor Vale3

Northern Caves Volume 5 (1974)

Moldywarps Speleological Group – Journal 8 (1976)

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