Moorland Caver (2003)
Alt: 230m
Access: No known restrictions
Peak Scar represents some of North Yorkshire’s finest climbs, its honey coloured rock is both strong and grippy. The weathered limestone cliff has all the good plus points for climbing. It is almost on the side of the road, it’s easily roped and has an abundance of good handholds. On a mild summers evening with a warm orange sun lighting up the cliff you have to ask your self “where else would I rather be? “. Why, Under ground of course!!
Peak Scar has three known caves and a myriad of little crawls amongst jumbled blocks, the caves aren’t particular big but when the warm orange sun is setting, what else is there to do. Go on, do some exploring then go to the pub.
NGR: SE 530883
Length: 10m
This doesn’t fit in the term of windypit, as it is merely a slumped slab rock with a void underneath. However it does deserve a mention. It lies in a mass of fallen blocks beside the path, the entrance is quite large and rift like, continuing for 6m and ending after a short crawl where day light can be seen.
NGR: SE 531883
Length: 7m
This is also amongst slumped blocks, beside the path. Doubling back into damp fern strewn gully to entrance at end. Squeeze down into small rift ending in blank walls.
BCRA Transactions – Vol.3 No.2 – The North Yorkshire Windypits (1976)