Moorland Caver (2003)
NGR: SE 705877
Length: 6 m
Access: Ravenswick Estate
Grade: I
Entertainment value: I
From the “car park” by the trout farm follow an indistinct path up the hillside until a low crag is reached, the obvious entrance lies in the South end of the cliff.
The hole originally consisted of a short rock shelter consisting of a single chamber (now full of dig spoil). A short crawl leads to a blank wall. To the left a squeeze leads into a rather dangerous choked continuation with no obvious way on.
The hole has been known locally for a number of years, the extension was dug by a joint S.C.C. / A.C.C. team between January and February 1999.
The boulder choke is notable as it tried to eat Andy Brennan, much to everyone’s amusement.
There are some inaccuracies in Moorland Caver as to this cave. I blame myself for innocently naming another cave Yoadwath Cave. This was because i failed to read the books first and realise that there already was a Yoadwath cave. However in my defence, my Yoadwath cave is actually located at Yoadwath and not a mile to the north. One day it will be re-named but for now be content and maybe even a little happy that there are two Yoadwath Caves, albeit one is now lost!